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Adams County Family Law Attorney

How do I file for divorce in Adams County?

You must physically file your initial divorce pleadings (the summons and petition for dissolution) with the superior court clerk's office. 

In-Person:   You can file your documents in-person at the clerk's office (Monday through Friday, between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm, excluding weekends and legal holidays.  You may also hire a process server to file documents.

The Court's address is 210 W. Broadway, Suite 303, Ritzville, WA 99169

By Mail: You can file the documents via first-class or certified mail (certified mail is preferable, so you can get confirmation). 

The court's mailing address is P.O. Box 187 Ritzville, WA 99169

What documents do I need to file in Adams County?

At a minimum, you must file a summons, a petition for dissolution, a case information cover sheet.

If you have minor children, I also recommend you file a proposed parenting plan and a motion for temporary orders. 

Do I have to file a proposed parenting plan in Adams County when I file my divorce papers?

You do not have to file a proposed plan when you start the divorce process but you will ultimately have to file one if your case goes to trial. 

How much does it cost to file for divorce?

As with most counties in Washington, the filing fee in Adams County is $294.  This does not include the costs of serving your spouse and the costs of hiring an attorney.

What happens after I file for divorce?

First, you must serve the divorce papers on your spouse, if you have not done so already.  (I recommend you serve before you file.  Filing is easier.  Serving can be more challenging).

Upon receiving your summons and divorce petition, the court will enter automatic mutual temporary orders.  As part of these orders, you and your spouse cannot transfer or dispose of any of your marital property and bank accounts.

These temporary orders remain in effect until the court enters final orders after trial, or you and your spouse / other parent settle the case beforehand.

How do I file and schedule a family law motion in Adams County?

You can file and schedule your motion online through the clerk's office.  You must file your motion and all supporting documents with the clerk's office no later than 3 business days before the hearing.

After receiving your motion, your spouse / the other parent must file a response no later than 12:00 pm, three (3) days before the hearing.    

You then have the option of filing a reply to the response no later than one (1) day before the hearing. 

These deadlines, as well as detailed instructions for filing and serving family law motions, can be found in the Adams County Superior Court Local Family Law Rules.  You can find the family law rules on pages 5-7. 

Can I appear for court remotely?

Yes, but you need Court permission first.  

To appear virtually or by telephone you must contact the Court Administrator prior 
to the court hearing at: 509-659-3271 or [email protected].

Does Adams County schedule a trial date when I file for divorce?


The court will schedule your trial date at the conclusion of your mandatory settlement conference, assuming the parties do not reach an agreement.

When are family law hearings held in Adams County?

Family law cases are generally heard Wednesday mornings at 9:00 am.  However, protection order hearings are heard most days of the week in the morning. 

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