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Can prosecutors amend the date of your criminal charge after the jury has heard the evidence?

Posted by Brian C. Zuanich | Jan 23, 2020 | 0 Comments

Under the Washington Constitution, a criminal defendant has a right to be notified of the nature of the charge so the defendant can prepare and present an adequate defense. This makes constitutional, practical, and intuitive sense. You can’t really defend yourself against a moving target. But in certain cases, the Washington Supreme Court ruled today, you can—at least to a degree.

Washington Supreme Court sets aside murder conviction based on racially motivated jury selection process

Posted by Brian C. Zuanich | Jan 09, 2020 | 0 Comments

State v. Pierce is in large part about the death penalty. For that reason, you may think that today's case is irrelevant, because in 2018, the Washington Supreme Court struck down the state’s death penalty law. But State v. Pierce is also in large part about race, which makes the case entirely relevant today in Washington.

Washington Supreme Court rules that trial judges must thoroughly investigate allegations of juror misconduct based on implicit racial bias

Posted by Brian C. Zuanich | Jul 22, 2019 | 0 Comments

Racial bias can infect the criminal justice system and, like a virus, eats away and damages the body. Racial bias in the jury room can be even more insidious because juror deliberations are usually secret. Juror secrecy is generally a good thing, because it permits jurors to deliberate freely without being subjected to outside pressure or influence.

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